OrcaBux. is a free worldwide service that allows advertisers to reach potential customers by displaying their advertisements on our site and also to provide our registered users a profitability considering to the page access.
So, what are you waiting for? Start earning money now!
You must create an account to start earning.
After this you should click on the advertiser's advertisement on View Ads page and view it during the amount of time specified by the advertiser.
After viewing the advertisement, you gets credited with a pre-determined amount of money in their OrcaBux. account..
The amount of money each user earns varies between the user's membership,
the type and quantity of advertisements the user has viewed, the number of referrals the user has and the number of advertisements those referrals view.
The amount we pay you depends on a few different factors.
Let's describe the amount you earn per click and for each of your referral's clicks depending on the type of upgrade you have and the type of the exposed ad:
The minimum amount paid is $2.00. From the amount paid,
a fee can be deducted depending on the payment processor you use
Note: (the highest fee that user must know is for Bitcoin $5 + 0.5% for every payout).
After you request your payment, you'll receive it instantly in your chosen payment processor
account unless some kind of technical difficulty is encountered during the process.
Referrals are users like you who have registered in OrcaBux..
There are two types of referrals:
· Direct Referrals: These users registered using your username as their referrer.
· Rented Referrals: These users registered without a referrer. You can rent them.
You need to know!
We have a strong system that protects your account and fights fraud in starting a business.
So, only one user is allowed per household. Unless you have two different internet connections.
Don't login at school, work or by using some kind of Proxy or VPN because usually the IP is the same for every Internet user and the computers may be accessed by other accounts.